
Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

  • The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine is now available in limited amounts
  • It will be given in order of priority to those at highest risk first.
  • We will be in contact with you with information about where and when you will need to receive the vaccine.

Why you have to wait for your COVID-19 vaccine – GOV.UK (

What to expect after your COVID-19 vaccination – GOV.UK (

Covid-19 and Ventilation

A short film released by the government shows how coronavirus lingers in enclosed spaces, and how to keep your home ventilated:

The importance of ventilation to reduce spread of Covid-19

Check if you or your child has coronavirus symptoms:

Supporting your recovery after Covid-19:


Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Test and Trace:

Self-isolate when alerted:Test and Trace Poster

Exemption letters for wearing face coverings: face-covering on public transport

The GPs do not issue sick notes for self-isolation purposes.  If you require a sick note for self-isolation purposes, please visit :

If you do not qualify for a self-isolation note, please talk to your employer about how you can work safely, either at home or in the workplace.

Important information for parents/guardians:

At this challenging time, it is extremely important for you to know that COVID-19 is unlikely to make your child unwell, but they like everyone else might be infectious so staying at home when well remains the message. However, all the ‘normal’ illnesses that can make children severely unwell still remain and there is a major risk that parents may delay bringing their child to the attention of a healthcare professionals even if they are unwell because of concerns about COVID-19. GPs and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done for children. If you are not sure if your child is unwell and whether they need to be seen, click here  call 111 or contact your GP. For information about crying babies, click here If your child appears severely unwell and advice is not quickly available call 999 or take them to ED as you would in other times.

Safeguarding adults  – information for people self-isolating:

Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board poster

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and your information:

Cowes Medical Centre – Patient Privacy Notice

Support for people who do not have friends or family to help them while they are self-isolating:

Coronavirus – telephone number for support poster

Manage your mental wellbeing during this difficult time, using Every Mind Matters: 

Every Mind Matters – Covid-19 poster


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Bereavement Helpline:

Hampshire and IoW CYP Crisis Line:

Hampshire & IoW CYP Crisis Line

Diabetes Care during Covid-19:

NHS expands offer of help to people with diabetes during coronavirus outbreak:

  • If you are concerned about your diabetes during the coronavirus pandemic, the NHS is here to help. Contact your GP Practice or Diabetes team.
  • If you have diabetes and have been contacted by your specialist eye or foot care team, please go to your appointments to receive treatment to avoid these problems getting worse. Clinics are taking extra protective measures to keep people safe.
  • The 4Ts – toilet, thirsty, tired and thinner – are signs of a life-threatening diabetic emergency, diabetic ketoacidosis or ‘DKA’. If you recognise these signs, seek urgent medical advice from your GP Practice (or 111 out of hours); if you already have diabetes, contact your Diabetes team; or if you feel very unwell, call 999.
  • If you have diabetes and see a cut or blister on your foot, it may be a sign of a foot ulcer. Call your GP Practice to get it checked as soon as possible. If you do have an ulcer or other serious foot problem, you will be referred to see a specialist urgently.
  • If you are experiencing a serious or life-threatening emergency – call 999.


Covid-19 Advice for smokers and vapers: