Patient Advocacy Services

Information about and contact details for advice and liaison services:

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) St Mary’s Hospital

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible.

PALS also helps the NHS to improve services by listening to what matters to patients and their loved ones and making changes, when appropriate.

Isle of Wight NHS Trust

This information was supplied by NHS website on 6 October 2023.

Phone:  01983 534850

Online:  Email

What does PALS do?

In particular, PALS will:

  • Provide you with information about the NHS and help you with any other health-related enquiry
  • Help resolve concerns or problems when you are using the NHS
  • Provide information about the NHS complaints procedure and how to get independent help if you decide you may want to make a complaint
  • Provide you with information and help introduce you to agencies and support groups outside the NHS
  • Inform you about how you can get more involved in your own healthcare and the NHS locally
  • Improve the NHS by listening to your concerns, suggestions and experiences and ensuring that people who design and manage services are aware of the issues you raise
  • Provide an early warning system for NHS Trusts and monitoring bodies by identifying problems or gaps in services and reporting them.

Local advocacy support

Swan Advocacy provide free, independent and confidential advocacy services that can help you make a complaint about any aspect of your NHS care or treatment.

South West Advocacy Network

Isle of Wight Vulnerable Adults Advocacy Service

Riverside Centre

The Quay


Isle of Wight

PO30 2QR

Telephone:  03333 447 928

